About Us

Welcome to the Locke Street BIA

Launched in 2007, the Locke Street Business Improvement Area encompasses all businesses on Locke Street South between Main Street West and Homewood Avenue consisting of more than 90 retail stores, professional services, cafés, and restaurants frequented by residents and visitors alike.

Come and enjoy a walk on Locke for the relaxed atmosphere as you explore an exciting mix of shopping and restaurants!

Our Vision and Mission

Our vision is to develop, market and support Locke Street as a vital place people want to explore and where businesses are excited to invest.

Our mission is to provide value to our members through advocacy, beautification, promotion, development and preservation of Downtown Hamilton.

Who We Are

The Locke Street BIA is governed by a volunteer board of directors. Directors are elected from the businesses and property owners within our boundaries. We are a passionate group of committed and dedicated business owners who represent numerous sectors, including restaurants, retail, pubs and cafes, professionals and property development. Our goal is to beautify and maintain the public lands and buildings within our boundary, proudly promoting each and every one of our businesses to residents and visitors.

Board of Management for 2022-2026 Term

Board members serve a four-year term in conjunction with City Council and is comprised of nine elected business members of the Locke Street business community and the Ward Councillor.

ChairBettina Schormann, Bardo Locke

Vice ChairDao Nguyen – Modern Design Studio

TreasurerSteve Knight, Jewellery Judge

Executive DirectorTracy MacKinnon


Robyn Allen, Nest

Chris Mindorff, Democracy Coffee.

Dwayne Cline, Vintage Charm

Brandon Stanicak, West Town Bar & Grill

Alex Hobcraft, Footprints Music

Maureen Wilson— City of Hamilton – Ward 1 Councillor-City Appointed Director

Regular Meetings

The Locke St. BIA Board of Management meets monthly from January to June and September to November on the last Monday of the month at 1pm on Zoom or at West Town Bar & Grill. As a member, you are welcome to attend and are encouraged to be a participant in a BIA sub-committee.

Subscribe to receive Updates

Locke Talk is the e-newsletter sent by the Locke Street Business Improvement Area to keep both members of the BIA and interested supporters of Downtown up-to-date with activities and issues in the core of our community.

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